Began with the usual briefing by Pete. He reminded us to label our coordinates on teh GPS systems--two groups had not done that properly--one of which was group 2, Sheryl, Kevin, and myself. It was raining in the morning so we stayed at the CNSC to make another photo board, download pictures, and correct the GPS mishaps.
Pete provides information on every plant, animal, and landform we see--either out in the field, at meals, in casual conversation, or during his morning and evening classroom sessions. It's information overload so I am counting on copies of hipresentations that he promised us. The mosquitoes get bigger and more numerous every day. Kevin resorted to wearing his bug shirt over his bug hat. We spent the remainder of the day sampling seedlings--of which we did not find many but it takes a long time searching because the ones we did find were less than 2 cm tall. It's quite the challenge to photograph the ones that grow in a crevice in the ground or surrounded by reindeer lichen or rhododendron (questionable spelling).
Yes! You spelled it correct! Off to Denver to meet up with my poster's co-author. Thanks for this detail!